I believe you can become brave and balanced.

It’s time to find joy in your life again.

You’re in the right place.

Ready to start feeling like yourself again?

Depression has a way of affecting everything, making your world seem small. You feel like a grey cloud has settled over your life and will not leave. You want to feel better and do more with your life. But instead you feel worse and do less.

You stop being able to connect with your friends or even wanting to. You stop taking care of yourself. You stop having hobbies, things you enjoy, or things you look forward to.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

I believe you have what it takes to heal and create lasting change.

We will work on real, practical skills that you can apply to your day-to-day life.

  • Make your mental health a priority

  • Process your grief and pain from a trauma that haunts you

  • Manage racing thoughts and anxiety spirals

  • Unlock clarity and insight into what drives you

  • Learn coping skills that work specifically for you

  • Develop balance and calm with the things you cannot control in your life

  • Develop confidence at every stage of the journey

  • Improve relationships in your marriage, friendships, and with yourself.

  • Find joy in the little things

  • Find moments of peace and contentment

My core values

Therapy works.

You don’t have to keep living this way. You can create lasting change.

You are enough.

You already possess within yourself the ability to grow, change, heal, and conquer your world.

You are a boss babe.

You just don’t know it, or you’ve forgotten. And that’s okay. No judgment.

Let’s get you back to being you — maybe for the first time.

Life Transitions

Some life transitions happen without warning and bring about fear, uncertainty, and stress. You find yourself thrown into a new job or phase of your life, and you forget how to be yourself. You lose confidence and you find yourself disconnected from the people you used to be able to rely on easily. You lose yourself and forget to make yourself a priority because you do not know what that looks like anymore.

But transitions can cause anxiety even if the transition itself is mostly a positive one.

You might be

  • Changing cities/schools

  • Starting a new job

  • Getting married

  • Ending a relationship or friendship

  • Postpartum/Bringing home a baby

  • Caring for an elderly loved one

  • Adjusting to a new stage in your life

  • Dealing with a new health diagnosis

Together we can figure out the best way for you to navigate these changes, find your inner strengths, and create peace and balance in your life.”

Depression and Anxiety

You can see changes, even if you are:

  • Always expecting the worst 

  • Thinking through all the possible "what if?" scenarios to know how you would respond

  • Having a hard time thinking clearly or making decisions

  • Constantly doubting yourself and the choices you make

  • Irritable over little things

  • Struggling with panic attacks

  • Have a hard time being kind to yourself or acknowledging your strengths

  • Feeling of restlessness

  • Easily fatigued

  • Having trouble getting to or staying asleep

  • Have difficulty concentrating

  • Having difficulty setting and maintaining healthy boundaries for yourself

  • Struggling to regulate your emotions

  • Having a hard time asking for and receiving help

  • Believing you aren’t ever good enough

Teen Anxiety

Teenagers are dealing with anxiety in almost every aspect of their lives right now, because they can never get away from it. They deal with constant comparison on social media, bullying from peers, and low self-esteem.

This can lead to:

  • difficulty managing emotions

  • lack of interest in hobbies previously enjoyed

  • loss of motivation in school and extracurricular activities

  • feeling socially isolated and withdrawing from friendships

  • social anxiety

  • perfectionism and high-achiever anxiety

  • self-destructive or self-harming behaviors

It can be really hard for teenagers to feel like they can talk candidly with their parents about their fears and deep-rooted anxieties. Having a safe, trusted counselor to talk to provides an outlet to begin learning how to process their feelings, develop better relationships in their family, navigate the complexities of adolescence, and gaining self-assurance and confidence.


Trauma is an emotional and bodily response to a terrible event.

Trauma can occur after terrible events occur to you or a close friend or family member. These events may be physical, mental, or emotional. They may have a clear culprit or have no one to blame.

I can help if you have recently gone through a traumatic event and are having difficulty making it through each day without anxious thoughts, crying spells, flashbacks, or terrible sleep.

I can help if you went through a traumatic event years ago but can’t seem to shake lingering symptoms like:

  • nightmares and flashbacks

  • avoiding places and situations that are reminders of what you went through

  • quiet rage and irritability

  • intense anxiety and panic attacks

  • difficulty sleeping

  • withdrawing from the people who love you

  • inability to tolerate even low amounts of stress

Avoidance of situations or triggers that remind you of the trauma, nightmares, unwanted memories, anger, irritability, anxiety, panic attacks, depressed mood, poor sleep, or isolating from loved ones.

specializing in:


Ready to get powerful?